I still have a few more pictures to get and upload, but I couldn't wait to share what I have already. : )
There were 8 students that I have taught in the triathlon. One was the sibling of one of my students, but I worked with him in an after-school program. There was one family that I don't know who also joined the cause. Awesome!

This was a BIG deal. I was surprised to see how many children were there and how serious some of them and their parents were. Some kids had very expensive bikes and the parents were "coaching" them like it was the Olympics.
This was the first triathlon for all of the students I knew, and they LOVED IT!!!
They raced by ages; oldest to the youngest.

First, they swam.
(There were different distances for each age group.)

Then, they rushed to their bikes.

Lastly, was the running.

Most of it seemed like it was uphill.
To the FINISH line!

They were tired, but excited about their accomplishment.
Some of them wanted to do it again.
I am so proud of all of them!!!
Here is a link to a video one of the parents made of the event. It is wonderful!
Happy watching!

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