Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

We had so many wonderful plans this week. But I guess God had other plans for us. We did get maybe half of the things we wanted to do for the adoption stuff done, but not everything. We took 2 out of the 4 courses we need to take. We are in the middle of the 3rd one right now. It has 20 chapters and seems to be taking us about 30 minutes each chapter. So, we are doing it a few chapters at a time. The information we are getting is great! Some of it is redundant, but they really make us think about what we are getting ourselves into. It is also making us realize more of what "we have been adopted into God's kingdom" means. We are seeing more of God's role through this process and how He helps us with this adjustment. Coming from a worldly mind to a kingdom mind is not a one-time transition. We often believe lies or go back to our former ways out of comfort or habit. God is so patient with us. One of the suggestions they give to adoptive parents to help form a bond is to take the child places to where they would want to cling to us. Doesn't God do that to us? Another one is that once we get the child, to take time for us to bond with our child without others. Isn't that what our "honeymoon" stage is like when we first come to faith? We are warned not to force our child to be at a certain developmental stage, but to wait for the child to feel comfortable and slowly guide them. God is patient with us and doesn't force us. He often waits until we let go and hold on to him. There is so much more!

We have our first home meeting tomorrow. We got sick Friday night and are still feeling a bit wheezy. We were forced to pretty much do nothing but rest and sleep all day yesterday. When we tried to do a chapter, we felt even sicker and decided to hold off on any more. So, today, we are slowly doing what we can to organize and later cleanse the house of bacteria so no one else gets sick. My medical forms are taking a while too. I went in last Monday and have stopped by several times this week for one reason or another. The final issue is that the lab lost my urine sample and so I had to give another one and wait for it to come back. That is the final piece of paperwork we have to turn in as part of our application. It is a bit frustrating because it should have been done earlier this week. But God knows what is going on and I guess there is a reason. Maybe to make me more patient. . .

After our home meeting, we have individual interviews and then another home meeting. The plan, so far, is to have all that done within the next week or two. Then, we can get plugged in with Promise686 and start raising support. That has been another frustrating thing because any money donated so far is on standby until we get this non-profit account set up. Until then, all expenses are coming out of our not-so-big savings account. Every time we turn around, there is another unexpected expense, including Joe's seminary classes. But God is providing.

Please continue to pray for the things listed below. I am battling fear and anxiousness. I know that God has a plan and will not fail us. I just need to hold on to it and stop looking at our present circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, I am so honored to be able to pray for you guys throughout this journey. Please know that you, Joe, and your future child are being lifted up by the Halls! We admire your openness as you go through the adoption process. It is neat to watch God working through it all!
