Friday, March 19, 2010

Our First Seed of Faith

About a year ago, Joe felt like we should start getting a baby room ready as a seed of faith. I thought, "Whatever, we aren't even pregnant." A few months later, I went on a prayer walk with my friend Kristen. As we prayed, God laid it on my heart to take that step of faith. I was worried that if we didn't get pregnant soon that it would just be a reminder of what we didn't have. But we went ahead and took that step. God blessed us with a donated crib, a swing, and an umbrella stroller. More recently we received a rocker and some toys. Instead of it being a reminder of what I was missing, it served as a reminder of what God is doing already. It is our room of faith and hope.

It was many months later when God called us to step out again and start our pre-application with AIAA for a Korean child. As I said earlier, we knew that we didn't have the money in the account and could not make enough with our salaries. But you know, He is already sending us people with a heart for adoption to donate finances. We have not asked for those donations, God just sends them to us. Growing up in a Korean household, we don't ask for financial donations for mission trips and such. It was uncomfortable enough sending out fund-raising letters for that in the past. So, receiving money to help us adopt a baby was a really strange feeling. I was incredibly grateful, yet felt a sense of guilt at the same time. This was until God showed me some of the bigger picture.

You see, for the last couple of years, I have tried to go back to teaching full-time at a public school so that we could save up for an adoption. The doors have always been closed and so I have continued teaching part-time at a christian school. This is one of the reasons we gave up on adoption for a while. But, guess who are the primary people that have offered donations, encouragement, and connections. . . parents of my students. There have been people in our Sunday School, discipleship group, co-workers, and other friends as well, but it was through my current and former parents that God used to ease my fear and step out to plant another seed of faith. I believe that God is teaching me, yet again, that everything belongs to Him, and He is going to receive the glory, not me. I need to stop being so self-sufficient.

Oh, did I mention that one of my students this year is one out of 3 that were adopted by his parents, and another student's family is in the process of adopting right now. This family is also part of an organization at our church that helps Christians with adoption. Oh, and the family that got us thinking about adoption again recently and has helped us tremendously, is one of my current student's parents. Now, what are the odds?

God is more awesome than I can even begin to imagine.


  1. Kim, Thanks for sharing your heart. I am blessed to read how God is leading you on this adventure of faith and I will continue to pray for God to bless you & Joe with that precious child who He is "knitting" together just for you. You will be such a wonderful mommy!
    I love you,

  2. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing. I feel so privileged to be able to read about your journey - and to "know" you again after all these years. Much Love!

  3. So awesome! I love to hear how God has already blessed you in this journey, and that you are keeping your faith and hope out there for all of us to see and be touched by. I'm excited to see how your story unfolds...Colleen
